Sunday, April 10, 2011

Entertaining at It's Best: Anniversary Party

[ a party to celebrate love]
this weekend, I had the pleasure of helping out at an anniversary party that my friends Craig Kettles and Michael McGaughey hosted. As usual, I was blown away with their clever entertaining's a sneak (iPhone picture quality) peek. 

[ 1- dessert table] - so pretty, an array of indulgent little confections, with a large floral center pieces..
Tip: I've learned from the pros...solid white plates are the way to go! Always. 
[ 2-bottle carrier] these old bottle carriers held the wine for easy self service in a classy way
[ 3&5 wine tags] the couple had been married for 30 years...hence, Craig wrote a different year on each wine glass tag...a great way to keep up with the glass, and so neat!
[ 4-mixer markers] clever names were given to the mixers and were written with chalk on a place card...vessels. the mixers were transferred to these pretty glass jugs.
[ 6- napkin holder] old toy truck used for napkins, which were stamped..see below

Also below...guests were asked to write there name on these name tags reading "My name is.." and then were directed to answer "in 1981 i was..." - such a clever idea!

 - brent

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