Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dictionary Decor

Vocabulary 101

Here's a list of common words that I use everyday at work, notice that I made a sentence using all the words at the bottom.

1. vignette [noun]: I think of this as a little section ; sorta like if one looked through a camera's lens
2. composition [noun] : this is an Annette Joseph term in my book, I take the word as analogous to a song...its the beat, rhythm, dissonance, and spacing of a vignette
3. soften [noun] : corners need this all the time, to soften in my vocab means to tie to pieces together where a hard spot sticks out and prohibits the flow, such as a sharp corner - I over use Ikea willow sticks to soften corners :)
4.  rude [adj] : a word I use to describe fugly things, or someone who messes something up, boo to rude ones
5. placement [noun]: the first step in decorating - its where the big items are placed before accessorizing and tweaking
6. tweak [verb] : arranging and placing accessories to finish a project, this is the last step where you have to 'make it work'
7. grounds [adv.] : usually near the floor. ground a coffee table by placing a basket or books underneath, ground a wall hanging by placing something underneath, such as on a hearth 
8. ooshie [hillbilly word] : means, I'm so cold, just added this because people make fun of me for saying it
9. color [noun] : something a lot of people are scared of
10. oh-mother [expletive] : a phrase I use far to often to describe a catastrophe or something far fetched  
11. balance [noun]: this is a Charles Gandy word, and I think its a safety net if you are in a decorating dilemma add balance, i.e symmetry and things will be safe.

The PLACEMENT is fab...that's the hardest part out of the way, no we just have to add some COLOR and TWEAK...I need something to SOFTEN that corner...OOSHIE it's so cold in here, I'm freezing my nips off! Oh, I need to put another lamp on that dresser to BALANCE things. OH MOTHER, here comes that fire marshal to tell me that I can't hang that there, RUDE!

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